

Learn about codebase troubles and their solutions.

I'm using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and there are some problems

WSL has a bit of trouble with the global store of pnpm. In this case we recommend to set the node-linker to hoisted in the .npmrc file. This disables the advantages of pnpm and makes it behave like npm. Note, it's possible to use pnpm with WSL version 2, but it's not worth the hassle.

NPM throws an error

In the monorepo version npm is no longer supported. It's all pnpm now. The problem is that npm, yarn and pnpm have different workspace syntax and package hoisting patterns, supporting all package managers is not possible in a monorepo setup anymore.

The Prisma types are not loaded

This can happen after deleting and regenerating the prisma client types. Restart VS Code or the Typescript server.