
Update Stream

Learn how to update your codebase from the Achromatic repository to get the latest updates and features.

Updating your code to incorporate the latest updates and features from Achromatic is generally possible. However, it's important to note that with each change you make to your application, it becomes more challenging to update your codebase. This is because you are effectively rebasing your code on top of the most recent Achromatic code.

Add the Achromatic repository as a remote

In order to get the latest updates from the repository, do a one-time setup to establish it as a remote:

git remote add upstream

Verify the remote was added successfully:

git remote -v

Fetch all branches from the upstream remote:

git fetch upstream

Check out the specific branch and set upstream tracking

git checkout BRANCH_NAME
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/monorepo/next-prisma-authjs

To confirm that the branch is correctly tracking the upstream branch, run:

git branch -vv

You should see something like this:

* BRANCH_NAME COMMIT_HASH [upstream/monorepo/next-prisma-authjs] COMMIT_MESSAGE

Update your repository from the Achromatic repository

git pull upstream monorepo/next-prisma-authjs

If you have any merge conflicts, you will have to resolve them manually. If you are not sure how to do this, please refer to the Git documentation.

Once everything is working fine, don't forget to commit your changes with git commit -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE" and push them to your remote repository with git push origin BRANCH_NAME.