Getting Started
Tech Stack
Key components of the project's tech stack.
Frameworks and languages
- Next.js: React framework for building scalable web applications.
- React: Library for building user interfaces.
- TypeScript: Strongly typed programming language for JavaScript.
UI and design systems
- Shadcn/UI: Component library built on Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.
- Radix UI: Primitives for building accessible and high-quality UI components.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- DnD Kit: Library for building drag-and-drop interfaces.
Data visualization
- Recharts: Customizable and responsive charts for data visualization.
- React Table: Advanced and flexible data table components.
File handling
- React Dropzone: Drag-and-drop file upload library.
- React Image Crop: Tool for cropping and editing images.
- ExcelJS: Library for working with Excel files.
- File-Saver: Utility for saving files to a user’s device.
- React Hook Form: Lightweight library for form management.
- Hookform Resolvers: Integration for schema validation libraries.
- Zod: Type-safe schema validation library.
- Drizzle: A lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
- Auth.js: Flexible authentication library for modern applications.
- Drizzle Adapter: Adapter to integrate Auth.js with Drizzle.
- Nodemailer: Library for sending emails via Node.js.
- Resend: A convient email service using AWS SES as their SMTP provider.
- React Email: Components for creating and styling transactional emails.
- Next Safe Action: Utility for securely handling server actions.
- Nuqs: Simple queuing library for background tasks.
- Date-Fns: Utility library for working with dates in JavaScript.
- UUID: Generate unique identifiers.
- Sharp: Image processing library.